ICONOCLAST, n. A breaker of idols, the worshipers whereof are imperfectly gratified by the performance, and most strenuously protest that he unbuildeth but doth not reedify, that he pulleth down but pileth not up. For the poor things would have other idols in place of those he thwacketh upon the mazzard and dispelleth. But the iconoclast saith: "Ye shall have none at all, for ye need them not; and if the rebuilder fooleth round hereabout, behold I will depress the head of him and sit thereon till he squawk it."
-- Ambrose Bierce

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shit & Shinola: another offensive spin-off, another repeat:

And what was the theme of yesterday's show beyond a repeat of mindful but inarticulate gibberish? It is always the same theme, or variant tangential to it: Those who would be diagnosed and committed for obsessive-compulsive disorder (once called a "hobby") are not calling for a second opinion – we are in full agreement, being compelled by some unknown quirk of our disposition we like to call "our own, sole, soul pleasure" (which is why we would share it in the first place, being alive and of reproductive age – by one aesthetic or another – genes aren't everything!) to obsessively dis the current order of things, or at least disregard the opinion & belief that the meddlesome arranging for an orderly (regimented) display, which is detrimental to our harmony, is desirable. We actually like a surprise now and then, if only to stay awake. If civilisation is an obsessive compulsion in the pursuit of predictable order, particularly the law-&-order variety (either "natural" or imposed), then civilisation is a narcoleptic murder by definition and not just for eating (unless it is considered top-down ritual cannibalism, the unique perspective of class consciousness).

If civil order (and if we are greek descendants, we would be correct to call it "politics") progresses by murder and mayhem (either literally or symbolically, inward- or outwardly) applied to the different (or easily targeted), then all those, even so-called anarchists bent on its improvement when they are not trying to wind their new digital watches, those who call for its sustainable upgrade are complicit, accomplice or merely compliant. The proper insult is either "Monkey see, monkey do" or a gifted present of the on-screen image portraying three monkeys seeing, hearing and speaking no evil ... or both. It may be considered a mirror or a telescope, that is for you to decide. If you don't like the show, leave the theatre.

Another common insult is "hypocrite", but that is a misapplied attribute as there may be no intention to deceive. There may, in fact, be no intention at all: "we just want to be loved". In any event, such motherless orphans are usually paid for their service (or at least avoid more punishment). When confronted, we hear "It's necessary work for the greater good, and if only everyone engaged in the performance, we could spend less over-all time doing it". "Doing it!" Well, I say that sounds like aphroditicly scrubbing on a stranger's toilet after (or prior to) a bad bout of dysentery or projectile vomiting. When something is so well rehearsed, it is highly unlikely that any withering will be observed in the audience. If it is an offensive display, where will you get volunteers except from like-minded fetishists? More successful applicants for the part always adds up to more misery (expressed in man-hours) and not less. But of course, it's just theatre and you can go home after the show! Or can you?

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